Nebulous and not well understood, existing on the fringes of Faerie are creatures of darkness and gloom. The realm is home to both dreams and nightmares and none more personify the latter than the Shadow Courts.

There are things in Faerie that not even the fae of the Unseelie courts deign to dabble in. Goblins are the most common Courtless fae, though treants, wilden, hags, dryads, satyrs, nymphs, and many other “lesser” fae are Courtless as well. While they may be found in small numbers among either the Seelie or Unseelie, for the most part they go their own ways. Some fae prefer to go about their own business and not get involved in the politics of the Courts. The fae of the Winter and Autumn courts often favor spells of storm and cold elemental magic in addition to the illusory and nature magic that all fae are innately drawn to. Morgan is a noble of note from the Autumn Court who is known to delight in meddling in the affairs of humans, especially nobles, often with the goal of humiliating them. Some say she now styles herself as the Queen of Air and Darkness. She is rumored to still live, somewhere in the far reaches of Faerie. Queen Mab was a former matriarch of the Winter Court. Eladrin, changelings, drow, and spriggans are the most populous fae among the Unseelie. Most people in the Middle World know to avoid involvement with the Unseelie, though doing so can prove difficult when such fae may freely lie and mislead those they interact with. The Unseelie fae are often merciless and are likely to be aggressive without provocation. The fae of the Unseelie Court tend towards malevolence, and are guided by the lords of the Winter and Autumn Courts. The fae of the Summer and Spring courts often favor spells of conjuration and elemental fire magic in addition to the illusory and nature magic that all fae are innately drawn to. Puck is one such Summer Court noble - perhaps the most well known - and a honored member of Titania’s court.Īriel, a wayward Spring Court fae, is said to have found himself caught up in the dealings of some powerful human arcanists. Queen Titania and King Oberon are the perpetual rulers of the Summer Court, though they mostly rule by proxy, leaving the day-to-day workings of the court to the lesser nobles. The Court is primarily populated by eladrin, elves, gnomes, and hobgoblins. The Seelie Court fae freely visit the Middle World, and are generally welcomed there. Despite this, they are prone to mischief and are known to overreact (by non-faerie standards) to situations. Ruled by the Summer Court, and, to a lesser extent, the Spring Court, the fae of the Seelie Court are those who are of a generally amicable predisposition.